Nowadays you have to sell everything. Also free. Even your blog article… you really have to sell today. But you also sell your ideas. non-profit projects. And yourself First and foremost, Hopkins cites the main reason for failed advertising as selling products that potential customers don't even want. But right after that comes the lack of salesmanship. So always keep that in mind. Write your texts as if the potential customer is standing right in front of you. what are you telling him Rule #2 – Gather information A copywriter who wants any chance of success must have complete information about their subject.
Genius is the art of taking pain. The old man is right about that. You have to know your customer, your product and your topic. By heart. Ask your customers and potential customers questions. talk to them Use Israel phone number list as many of your sense organs as possible. Because only then can you really connect with him. And then… you write lyrics for him. Just for him. For example, what kind of “blog voice” does your reader want? Is he looking for a professional voice? Or rather a curly, fluffy tone? Or maybe a mix of both? You can't blog to thousands if you don't understand even one.
So get to work. But you also need to know your product. Back then, Hopkins was hired when Schlitz Beer was still No. 5 in the States. And what was the first thing he did? He visited the brewery. He found out that the beer was cleaned and sterilized in a complex and laborious manner. When Hopkins asked, " this complicated process?" the brewmaster replied, "Every beer maker does it." He quickly replied: "But others have never told this story". And within a few months, the "new" story slotted Beer to number one. Only because Hopkins dug deep enough. You see.