Develop a website strategy to drive better business results Setting up a website for your business is more than buying a domain, setting up hosting and building a few pages. You also need to develop a website strategy that defines the direction, purpose and schedule of your new site. Follow the steps in this post to develop a website strategy for your business. Then get started updating your existing site or planning your new website. Use GoDaddy's Website Builder to launch a new website today. The post Steps to Building a Website Strategy appeared first on GoDaddy Blog.
Posted in marketing MARKETING Plan your social media calendar for September with GoDaddy Studio POSTED ONAUGUST , BY SELF-RANKING Aug Reading time: minutes Source Calendar with inspirational note When it comes to planning your social media content, it's important to think about mobile number list what resonates most with your target audience. Companies in various industries can use their social content for strategic advertising purposes. By using GoDaddy Studio, you can plan your September social media calendar more efficiently with tools to create content based on this month's trending events.
Car specials Live music events Outdoor craft fairs Last chance summer clothing offers Late summer meal specials in restaurants Below, we share our best tips for success and give you plenty of ideas for planning your social media calendar for September. Key tips for a successful social media calendar for September Before we get into specific dates to plan for, it's important that we go over some of the logistics that will help your social campaigns get more viewers. Burnt orange Lemon yellow Deep crimson red Everything that evokes a feeling of cosiness is good here.